foreign language education, bilingual education, model of bilingual teaching/learning, didactic principles, subject-oriented didactic modelsAbstract
The object of research is the educational process of training engineers at a technical university on a bilingual basis, when the teaching of professional disciplines is conducted in a foreign (English) language. The principles of bilingual teaching of higher mathematics (disciplines of the mathematical cycle), both general didactic and specific, are considered. The following general didactic principles of the modern person-oriented philosophy of education, relevant to bilingual mathematics education, are distinguished: activity-based nature of learning, active interaction of all subjects of learning activity, problematic nature of learning, personal-oriented learning, productivity of learning activities, professional orientation of learning, multiculturalism and humanistic development in the context of the dialogue of cultures. Taking into account the peculiarities of bilingual mathematics teaching in the conditions of a technical university, specific principles of education are established: focus on achieving the goal of mastering mathematics (a specific discipline of the non-language cycle); the use of two languages (native and foreign) as ways of learning; unity of thinking and speech activity in a foreign language; reliance on native and foreign languages; rational limitation of communicative sufficiency; interdisciplinary interconnection and mutual dependence of various components in the engineer training system; optimality of training; gradual qualitative complication of the content of education; founding on basic school mathematical knowledge; development of motivation to the ability and willingness to use a foreign language for special purposes. The principles of bilingual teaching of mathematics at the technical university proposed in this work characterize the ways of using the regularities that are revealed in bilingual teaching/learning, in accordance with the intended strategic goal, namely, the formation of bilingual subject competence in mathematics of future engineers.
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