


augmented reality, modern learning technologies, educational process in physics, methodical approaches to learning physics, immersive learning technologies


The article explores the psychological and pedagogical foundations for the implementation of augmented reality (AR) tools in the educational process of physics. The authors provide a detailed analysis of how augmented reality and mobile augmented reality (MAR) technologies affect students' cognitive processes. Attention is given to the features of organizing the educational process where AR tools are used, as well as to the issues of adapting educational materials to new visual and interactive forms of information presentation. The article argues that augmented reality tools contribute to the creation of a more dynamic and accessible environment for studying complex physical phenomena, facilitate the comprehension of abstract concepts through visualization, and create a unique communicative environment that combines the strengths of traditional learning and virtual environments, promoting the development of critical thinking and creative abilities. From a pedagogical theory perspective, AR technologies enable a differentiated approach to learning, providing opportunities for individualization of the learning process. It is noted that students with different learning styles, such as visual or kinesthetic, as well as those of various age groups, receive equal opportunities for mastering the material. The article also positively evaluates the increase in students’ motivation to study physics due to the interactivity and novelty of AR technologies, which create an immersive effect. The article also addresses the practical aspects of integrating augmented reality into education. Examples of using tools from platforms such as BookVAR ARBook, which can be applied in physics lessons, are described, and potential challenges that educators may face when implementing this technology are discussed. The conclusions of the article emphasize the significant potential of augmented reality as a tool for enhancing the quality of physics education, while highlighting the importance of considering psychological and pedagogical aspects to achieve maximum effectiveness in the implementation of these innovative technologies.


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