critical thinking, problem-based learning, problem-based situation, problem-based task, partialsearch method of learning, teaching geographyAbstract
The article highlights methodological aspects of the development of critical thinking in geography lessons using problem-based learning methods. Different approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «critical thinking» in the process of its evolution, as well as to distinguishing its main characteristics, are analyzed. Attention is focused on the fact that in pedagogical practice it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the phenomenon of critical thinking and the wide range of tasks of the technology of its development as a pedagogical innovation, which determines a wide choice of teaching methods. The most effective for the development of such thinking are methods of problem-based learning, which allow you to master the strategies and procedures of such thinking. The results of the authors' practical experience in implementing technology for the development of critical thinking in the process of teaching geography at school are highlighted. Using specific examples from the school geography course, a step-by-step method of applying problem-based learning methods is described in order to form students' ability to think critically. It was concluded that critical thinking is the most necessary competence at the current stage, which allows you to face all the risks of the information society and is the basis for the formation of the most important subject competences – understanding the essence of geographical processes and phenomena, the ability to establish geographical regularities and cause-and-effect relationships, find them manifestations in the surrounding world. A promising direction for further research is the development of methodological recommendations for the development of students' critical thinking when studying each of the school geography courses.
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