


project-technological competence, project technologies, digital educational environment, interactive approach.


Modern society demands not only the ability to use digital technologies in everyday life, but also the ability of an individual to be successful in the labor market: the ability to plan one’s activities, allocate time, etc., to the future specialist. Project technologies are one of the ways to meet the specified needs in educational activities. The purpose of our research is to develop a methodology for the implementation of project learning technologies in institutions of professional (vocational and technical) education; formation of the project “Automatic feeder for pets based on the hardware and computing platform Arduino” for institutions of professional (vocational and technical) education. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: theoretical: analysis, synthesis and systematization; empirical: modeling. In the context of the digital educational environment, the use of project technologies takes on a new level. Project technologies make it possible to form skills of independent work, develop creative and critical abilities of education seekers, ensure interactivity and interaction of participants in the educational process. At the same time, project and technological competence is developing. In order to ensure the development of project-technological competence in vocational education institutions, we offer students to carry out mini-projects that, in the near term, show the practical implementation of the acquired theoretical knowledge. The article provides an example of the methodology for the development of project-technological competence in the conditions of a digital educational environment during the implementation of the project “Automatic feeder for pets based on the hardware and computing platform Arduino”. The proposed project of creating an automated feeder is multi-component. During development, an interactive approach to learning was used, which involves the involvement of students in the active learning process through work on the project. This approach contributes to the deepening of the understanding of theoretical concepts, the acquisition of practical skills in the field of professional education, the development of project-technological competence, which ensures the formation of a competitive specialist in the conditions of a dynamically changing digital society.


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