integrative approach, teacher training, mathematics, economics, mathematical models, economic problems.Abstract
The article is dedicated to highlighting the features of the implementation of an integrative approach to the training of the future teachers of mathematics and economics through the formation of the students’ abilities to analyze mathematical and economic models. In the course of the experimental study, theoretical (analysis of psychological-pedagogical and professional literature on the research problem), and empirical methods (pedagogical observation of the educational and cognitive activity of students, conversations with teachers of mathematics and economics) were used. As a result of the analysis of the main types of the models used in the process of practical professional training of the future teachers of mathematics and economics, the authors analyzed the simplest functional dependencies and their properties (problems on percentages and linear programming problems, elementary functions and their research and graphing) and the differential and integral calculus of functions with one variable (derivative and elasticity of a function, average value of a function, second derivative and its properties, asymptotes of a graph of a function, indefinite and definite integrals). The conducted research led to the following conclusions. Firstly, the main idea of the first stage of the implementation of an integrative approach to the training of the future teachers of mathematics and economics is the formation of the students’ concept of the economic problems as the economic content of mathematical models on the one hand, and on the other - the formation of the concept of mathematical models as a method in economics. Secondly, the second and the final stage of the implementation of an integrative approach to the training of such teaching staff is the formation of students’ abilities to analyze and use mathematical and statistical models in the process of solving problems of integrative content. Thirdly, the result of such activity will be the synthesis of a new knowledge and the abilities - the integral connections between the subject areas of knowledge and the new synthesized subjects of learning by components.
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