suicide, combat stress, PTSD, suicidal behavior, destruction of the psycheAbstract
The article examines the main psychological factors that determine the tendency to suicidal behavior among servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The main stress factors associated with military service were analyzed, namely: prolonged combat operations, physical and emotional stress, social and interpersonal problems. Considered psychological phenomena and conditions that can lead to suicidal intentions in a person, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), feelings of hopelessness and isolation. Recommendations for psychological support and preventive measures aimed at reducing the tendency to suicidal behavior among military personnel are offered. The results of the study can be used to improve psychological assistance programs in military units and increase the effectiveness of psychological rehabilitation of military personnel. Studies in methods of theoretical analysis, including surveys and interviews with military personnel, as well as analysis of medical and psychological data. Special attention is paid to the analysis of individual and group risk factors, such as age, marital status, previous combat experience and level of social support. The article discusses the diagnostic toolkit for identifying persons prone to suicidal behavior. The peculiarities of the moral and psychological state of military personnel in the conditions of martial law are outlined. An analysis of the features of the professional and psychological selection of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was carried out. The results of the study emphasize the importance of timely identification and support of servicemen who are at risk, as well as the development of individualized programs of psychological assistance. The implementation of the proposed measures can significantly reduce the level of suicidal behavior among military personnel and contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of combat tasks by improving the morale of personnel.
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