


jealousy, marital relations, self-respect, interpersonal trust, demands in marriage, role expectations


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological preconditions of the jealousy manifestation in marriage partners. Jealousy has been defined as a negatively colored feeling in interpersonal relations, which has a complex psychological structure and reflects doubts about the partner's fidelity, love and devotion. A complex of psychological preconditions of the jealousy manifestation as a phenomenon of married life have been presented: the level of development of self-respect; the degree of consistency of role expectations and demands; ability to interpersonal trust. According to the results of the study, jealousy is manifested at an average level in women and men, which indicates a balance between natural feelings of protecting relationships and the absence of destructive actions or emotions. It has been established that women are more likely to feel jealous. An average level of self-respect development has been stated in most of the studied women and men; this can be characterized by a certain consistency between self-confidence and objective awareness of one's shortcomings, the need for external approval to feel internal comfort. It has been found that such aspects of marriage as intimate-sexual, emotional-psychotherapeutic and external attractiveness are the most significant for women, and emotional-psychotherapeutic – for men. That is, in general, women show higher role expectations and harassment in marriage, compared to men. Aspects of marriage such as identification with a partner, economic and household, parental and educational, social activity are manifested in both partners at an average level. According to the obtained data, the studied women and men have an average level of interpersonal trust. That is, individuals can have sufficient confidence in the honesty and reliability of others, but at the same time maintain a healthy level of caution and not rely primarily on trust without additional confirmation. In the course of the correlation analysis, the assumption that the feeling of jealousy as a structurally complex entity, the emergence and manifestation of which is influenced by a complex of psychological preconditions (the level of self-respect development, the degree of consistency of role expectations and demands in marriage, the ability of interpersonal trust), has been confirmed.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, N., & Prit, V. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL PRECONDITIONS OF THE JEALOUSY MANIFESTATION AS A PHENOMENON OF MARRIED LIFE. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 128–135.