


psychoeducation, clinical psychology, psychological well-being, mental health, children, adults, stress


Living under stressful circumstances, especially when military actions are a red line, poses a threat to security, increases fears about the future, and heightens anxiety. This stress depletes an individual’s psychological resources and exacerbates their perception of events around them. Additionally, a lack of essential knowledge about self-help in such situations significantly raises the risk of developing psychosomatic, mental, and somatic disorders among the population. One of the key tasks of clinical psychology is to prevent the development of adverse mental states and to strengthen the mental health of the population. This is achieved through the implementation of psychoeducation. This article presents the experience of implementing psychoeducational measures to strengthen the mental health of children and adults through the author's program, "WAVE OF CHANGES." The program consisted of 15 meetings held once every two weeks, with each new meeting building upon the previous one. Among the participants, the program helped increase knowledge about stress, as well as the means and methods of overcoming it, by 70%. It improved understanding of their own emotions and the reasons behind them by 50%, enhanced self-control skills, helped children cope with their emotions, and provided psychosocial support to other adults by 40%. Since the beginning of participation in the program, the introduction of practices for taking care of one's own mental health and restoring one's psychological state in everyday life has increased by 55%. The dissemination of such psychoeducational activities is crucial for fostering conscious behavior, exercising control over one's emotional reactions, and creating a psychologically healthy environment for oneself, one's family, and the community. This not only enhances the inner harmony of individuals but also helps restore social balance among the population and in the state as a whole.


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How to Cite

Kabantseva, A. (2024). PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL MEASURES AS A COMPONENT OF CLINICAL PSYCHOL OGY. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 63–70.