



professional deformation, emotional burnout, factors of professional deformation, deep psychocorrection, psychodynamic approach, personal problem, psychological defenses


The article presents the problem of the possibilities of preventing the occurrence and overcoming of professional deformations of psychologists by methods of in-depth psychocorrection. The phenomenon of professional deformations as negative changes in the personality of a specialist under the influence of professional activity is considered. It is shown that one of the manifestations of professional deformation is the syndrome of emotional burnout. The factors of emergence, features of manifestation of professional deformations in representatives of various professions were analyzed. In the context of substantiating the method of preventing and overcoming professional deformations, a group of psychological factors (psychological defenses, motivation, negative emotional experience, stress, ect.) was identified. The subject’s personal problem it’s claimed is one of the factor professional deformations. As regard, providing psychological help to future psychologist in solving their personal problems to is prerequisite for preventing occurrence of professional deformation and emotional burnout. The features of the organization and methods of in-depth psychocorrection, which are based on the methodology of psychodynamic approach developed in the researches of academician of the NAPS of Ukraine T.S. Yatsenko, are considered. The main methods of in-depth psychocorrection are visualized representation, in-depth correction dialogue, interpretation. Fundamental to the application of these methods in the process of in-depth cognition is taken into account the dynamics of group and individual-personal changes of the participants, which are determined by the laws of positive disintegration of the psyche and its secondary integration at a higher level of development. This provides an opportunity to provide psychological help to the respondent in solving a personal problem, and as a result prevent or overcoming of professional deformations.


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How to Cite

Dmeterko, N. (2024). OVERCOMING PROFESSIONAL DEFORMATIONS OF PSYCHOLOGISTS BY METHODS OF IN-DEPTH PSYCHOCORRECTION. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 51–56. https://doi.org/10.32782/cusu-psy-2024-2-7