professional (vocational and technical) education, project technologies, extracurricular work, digital technologies, teaching methods, educational processAbstract
The rapid development of technologies and society as a whole requires revision and improvement of teaching methods and organization of the educational process in professional (vocational and technical) education institutions, in particular during extracurricular work. The relevance of the use of project technologies in extracurricular work in the system of professional (vocational and technical) education is due to modern requirements for the training of qualified specialists who are able to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of the labor market. Project technologies, as an innovative method of learning, contribute to the development of critical thinking, creativity and teamwork skills, which are key to the effective performance of professional duties. Extracurricular work provides an opportunity for practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in the educational process, which increases the motivation of students and their preparation for real industrial conditions. In addition, the implementation of project technologies in extracurricular work contributes to the integration of the educational process with the needs of employers, ensuring a closer connection between theoretical training and practical training of specialists. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate the role of project technologies in increasing the effectiveness of the organization of extracurricular work in the system of professional (vocational and technical) education, as well as the development of recommendations for their implementation for the formation of students of education practical skills, critical thinking, and readiness for professional activity in the conditions of modern`s labor market. As an example of the implementation of project technologies in the system of professional (vocational and technical) education, the article considers the project "Research stand for mastering the principles of PC construction and operation". Based on the results of the use of the developed stand, slices of the knowledge of the students regarding the structure of the computer showed a positive dynamic of the knowledge of the students.
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