educational process, pedagogical higher education institutions, preparation of future teachers, natural science education, formation of research competence, modern ideas for improving natural science educationAbstract
This article substantiates the relevance of incorporating social media technologies to address the issue of preparing future physics teachers to form and develop students' research competencies. This is achieved through the use of the electronic resource «Physics. Easy», presented as a platform that significantly enhances the educational, cognitive, and experimental activities in physics for pupils and students. The platform «Physics. Easy» is available on the website «physicseasy.study» and allows the completion of the entire laboratory practicum as stipulated by educational programs across all chapters of the physics course. Supplementing this resource with additional sensors significantly expands its capabilities and aids in improving experimental assignments based on it, fostering research activities in an integrated study of natural sciences. This is connected to the student's ability to obtain elements of novelty in the results of research work, in the methods and means of conducting exploratory work, as well as in educational tools, and in organizing self-learning and personal development of the student. An analysis of foreign scientific research and studies related to the activation of classroom and individual independent work of students in higher education institutions has made it possible to identify modern leading trends in addressing this issue and the further development of higher education, which in the coming years should be presented as significant and decisive in the development of the educational sector and in the training of highly qualified teachers of natural sciences. These trends, which are expected to emerge in the coming years as global and defining in the development of the educational sector and the training of highly qualified specialists in the natural sciences, are associated with the widespread adoption of information and communication technologies, social media technologies, digital technologies, and computerized technologies of the modern learning environment, which lead to the integration of natural sciences and the relevance of preparing future teachers of natural science disciplines.
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