technological education, labor training, educational attainment, ethnodesign, design, authentic traditions of the Ukrainian people, decorative and applied creativityAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of the use of the project approach in the education of students of ethnodesign education in the context of the national traditions of the Ukrainian people. The article analyzes the relevance of preserving the cultural heritage of Ukrainians, especially in the conditions of modern challenges. Attention is paid to the issues of integration of national traditions into the educational process, in particular through the implementation of a project approach, which contributes to the formation of national identity, patriotism and active citizenship among young people. The main aspects of ethnodesign in the Ukrainian context are defined, in particular, the use of traditional ornaments, materials and techniques, as well as the color scheme, which reflect the cultural identity and historical heritage of the Ukrainian people. It is proven that the project approach, based on the integration of knowledge from various fields, helps to better understand and feel national traditions in the context of modern life, develops the creative abilities of young people and stimulates them to actively participate in cultural projects. The article also notes the importance of cooperation in project activities, which contributes to the development of communication skills, critical thinking and independence of education seekers. It is noted that this approach allows not only to get to know national traditions more deeply, but also to actively popularize them, which is an important element of preserving cultural heritage in the face of modern challenges. The relevance of the development of new educational components "Authentic traditions of the Ukrainian people" and "Design in the context of national traditions of the Ukrainian people" focused on the preservation and popularization of national traditions is proven.Their meaningful content will contribute to the formation of a deep understanding of one's own cultural identity, patriotism and responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage among young people. It was concluded that the integration of national traditions into modern educational practices not only helps to preserve unique cultural heritage, but also increases the motivation of education seekers to actively study and popularize Ukrainian culture in a global context.
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