



STEM education, mathematics teaching, future teachers' training, digital technologies, project activities, integrated course, elective discipline


Training of future specialists in STEM education, practical directions of STEM education implementation is an urgent problem. The object of the study is the professional training of students of higher pedagogical education institutions. The purpose of the study is the practical implementation of the formation of STEM competencies of higher education students through the introduction of integrated courses. The article analyzes the existing model curricula of interdisciplinary STEM courses for general secondary education institutions, highlights the possibilities of using existing STEM technologies in teaching mathematics. The content for the elective discipline “Mathematics in STEM projects”, appropriate methods, means and forms of work are characterized. The results of the implementation of the developed methodological support are presented. Students majoring in 016.01 Special Education (Speech Therapy); 014.04 Secondary Education (Mathematics), Additional Informatics; 242 Tourism and Recreation collaborated in the process of teaching mathematics. The advantages and problems of joint teaching of mathematics to students of different specialties are outlined in the article. Based on the results of the training and the survey, the hypothesis of increasing the level of students' STEM competencies was confirmed. In teaching, it is important to motivate and stimulate students to engage in educational, cognitive, and research activities, implement STEM projects in teaching, use ICT to ensure visibility and research orientation of mathematics teaching, and use individual and group coaching. In the course of training, the principles of scientificity and accessibility, development, integration, cognitive activity, individuality, research and practical orientation, interconnections between theory and practice, independence and activity, interactivity, and awareness should be followed.


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