robotic systems, software, robotics, microprocessor technology, actuatorsAbstract
The article describes the methods and techniques of studying and researching robotic systems by students of higher educational institutions. Changes caused by the formation of Society 5.0, the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the processes of globalization, put forward new requirements for the educational process in Ukraine. The current stage of development of society is characterized by both the emergence of new professions and the transformation or disappearance of others. This necessitates the permanent renewal of professional skills, i.e. lifelong learning. As for teachers, they face the question of both the permanent adaptation of the educational process and, accordingly, the transformation of competencies that must be formed in applicants. The priority of issues related to educational activities also emphasizes the interest in them at the international level. Thus, among the global Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 70/1 of September 25, 2015, paragraph 4 is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. The training of future specialists in the specialties of technological and vocational education includes the study of robotic systems. At the present stage of students' training, new tasks arise in solving these issues. Namely: the use of modern tools in the development of robotic systems, the creation of the necessary software, the introduction of appropriate microprocessor technology, the use of new actuating mechanisms. When creating computer-controlled machines, the robotic approach has the following advantages over traditional automation tools: low cost due to the unification and standardization of elements and interfaces; high accuracy of movements due to the use of intelligent control; high reliability; structural compactness of modules; improved dynamic characteristics of machines; the ability to complete functional modules into complex systems for specific tasks. Currently, robotic systems are widely used in such areas as: machine tool building; robotics, aviation, space and military equipment; automotive industry; design of non-traditional vehicles (electric bicycles, gyroboards, wheelchairs) and medical equipment; development of household appliances (laundry, sewing, dishwasher and other machines), etc.
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