professional training, research and mathematical competence, educational process, statistical methods of research, genetics, students of the subject specialty 014.15 Secondary education (Natural sciences)Abstract
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of training future teachers in the subject specialty 014.15 Secondary Education (Natural Sciences) – implementation of the competence approach. Research and mathematical competence is singled out, which is a component of the professional competence of natural sciences students. The author’s interpretation of the given phenomenon is proposed, which represents a holistic integrative dynamic quality of the personality, based on the readiness of the future natural sciences teacher to effectively carry out the analysis of his own research activity, which is based on fundamental knowledge and the ability to operate with mathematical and statistical methods in order to solve natural problems, which arise in the course of their professional activity. It is substantiated that the formation in students of specialty 014.15 Secondary education (Natural sciences) of the first (bachelor) level of higher education of the defined competence takes place throughout the entire period of study at Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav and includes: research and mathematical, methodological and practical training. It was found that the study of the educational components «Basics of molecular biology and genetics» and «Educational practice in genetics and the basics of selection» occupies a central place in the training of future natural sciences teachers. The use of mathematical statistics methods in the teaching of genetics is considered as one of the means of forming research-mathematical competence. Educational resources that contribute to the effective formation of researched quality – the solution of research problems or research projects in the natural sciences – have been singled out. Suggested topics of research projects that can be implemented in the process of educational practice in genetics and the basics of breeding are proposed. An example of a research project on the topic: «Biometric study of modification variability» is given.
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