transformation, artistic and graphic education, social changes, higher educational institutions, 20th century, industrialization, technological progressAbstract
The article examines in detail the process of transformation of artistic and graphic education in higher educational institutions during the 20th century, focusing on how a complex of social changes, covering historical, socio-cultural and technological aspects, significantly influenced the evolution of this field of education. Analyzing the period of the 20th century, several key stages are highlighted, which illustrate both the gradual transformation of approaches to learning and teaching, and the reformation of the structure of educational programs in accordance with the changing needs of society and the labor market. The article also emphasizes how each historical stage of the development of art and graphic education reflects the response to the challenges and opportunities of its time, forming the modern appearance of this field of knowledge. The article pays special attention to the impact of industrialization and globalization, which stimulated the expansion of the scope and spectrum of art and graphic education, the integration of international educational standards and approaches. An important aspect of the analysis was the development of the latest technologies, in particular, the introduction of digital tools into the educational process, which opened up new perspectives for art and graphic education and necessitated the adaptation of pedagogical methods. In the context of social movements such as feminism and the struggle for civil rights, the article highlights how these trends contributed to the democratization of the educational environment, ensuring equal opportunities for all students regardless of gender, race or social status. These changes prompted a rethinking of educational policy, in particular regarding the content and goals of art and graphic education, emphasizing the need to create an open, inclusive and multicultural educational space. Concluding the analysis, the article outlines the prospects for the further development of art and graphic education, emphasizing the importance of innovative approaches, which may include the development of new educational programs, the use of advanced technologies and methods, as well as the strengthening of international cooperation. Special attention is paid to the need to train teachers who are able to work effectively in a dynamic and changing educational environment, which requires them not only to have deep professional knowledge, but also flexibility, openness to innovations and readiness for continuous professional development.
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