methods of teaching mathematics, numerical sequence, programming, Python, algorithmAbstract
The article is devoted to a disclosure of the methodological features of studying the topic "Numerical sequences" in the school course of mathematics with the help of programming tools, in particular the use of the Python language. The relevance of the topic is determined and the objectives of the research are established. A review of popular science literature on the topic of research is provided. In particular, the study is based on the manuals of American teachers and scientists P. Farrell (2019) and A. Saha (2015), who developed the methods of teaching school mathematics with Python. The author adheres to the position that the study of programming should occupy a significant place in the educational process. After all, the experience of many countries shows that mastering the principles of coding and learning programming languages contributes to the development of logical and creative thinking. In the course of the study, the problem series of the school mathematics course on the topic "Numerical sequences" was analyzed and systematized according to several alternative textbooks. The article uses problems from the textbook "Algebra" for the 9th grade by the team of authors A.G. Merzlyak, V.B. Polonsky, M.S. Yakir. Seven different types of problems are distinguished, for the solution of which it is possible to create program templates, or briefly describe the algorithm of a program written in Python. In the process of working on the research, it was found that the study of mathematics and programming can be combined. To write a program, students, first of all, need to know the theoretical foundations, the properties of numerical sequences, and routine computational work will be performed by the program. The article is of a practical nature, since it includes the implementation of algorithms and programs for studying the properties of numerical sequences. The software implementation is carried out using the Python programming language, which allows you to explore and analyze numerical sequences by effectively using the tools of this language.
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