ergodesign, design-ergonomic learning environment, innovative culture, instructorAbstract
Modern education demands that educators not only transfer knowledge but also develop students' creative abilities, critical thinking, and innovation skills. One of the key factors influencing the formation of an innovative culture among teachers is a design-ergonomic learning environment. This article focuses on analyzing the impact of a learning environment, designed in accordance with the laws of design ergonomics, on the quality of the educational process. A correlation has been identified between the organization of the subject environment in educational classrooms and the development of competencies of students of pedagogical specialties, in particular, 014.10 Secondary Education (Technologies), 015.36 Professional Education (Technology of Light Industry Products), and 015.00 Professional Education (Design). The significant impact of a design-ergonomic environment is due to its broad sphere of influence on personality formation. As a result of the study, the authors have identified the information-technological, spatial-material, and socio-personal components of the design-ergonomic space, and have also analyzed these key elements using the example of the material and technical base of the faculty of technologies and design. The role of each element in the formation of the innovative culture of future teachers is revealed. It was found that the selection of technical equipment, the use of modern software for training competitive specialists, the creation of an interior and exterior in accordance with anthropometric requirements, active social interaction, and well-coordinated communication processes of educational process participants have a significant impact on the quality of the educational process organization and the formation of a favorable learning environment. It has been established that such environmental components as physical space, social interactions, and information resources contribute to the development of creativity, critical thinking, motivation for innovative activities, and increase the overall satisfaction of teachers with their work. Thus, the educational space organized according to the requirements of a design-ergonomic learning environment contributes to the formation of an innovative culture among students, creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of educational process participants.
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