health, institution of higher education, professional training, future physical rehabilitation specialists, clinical education, physiotherapistAbstract
The article presents the system of professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) in Canadian universities. The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the objective need of society to strengthen and preserve the health of the population thanks to such an important and socially significant direction of modern medicine as rehabilitation. The growing demand for specialists in this field, capable of successfully carrying out professional activities on the international labor market, is gaining more and more development every year, attracting the attention of a significant number of specialists (research doctors, physiotherapists, psychologists, correctional teachers) all over the world. Therefore, we believe that it will be necessary to get acquainted with the education system of the country of Canada, which has proven its competitiveness on the world market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the content, specifics and features of the system of professional training of bachelors and master’s in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) in Canadian universities. A list of higher education institutions in Canada that provide bachelor's and/or master's degrees in the field of physiotherapeutic sciences has been established. The described in detail structure and content of the system of professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) at the University of Manitoba (University of Manitoba), where the main forms of training are lectures and practical (laboratory). An analysis of the content of the disciplines of the curriculum of the professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) was carried out. The terms of study and the number of credits assigned to the professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) in accordance with the European Credit System (ECTS) have been clarified. The peculiarities of using the basic document of professional training of physical therapy bachelors in Canada – «Entry-Fevel Curriculum for Canadian Physical Therapy Programs» (Basic Curriculum for Canadian Physical Therapy Programs) are considered. Thus, the system of professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy) in Canadian universities is a complex of organizational, psychological and pedagogical measures that contribute to the formation of students' knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for the acquisition of professional qualities. Therefore, in connection with socially important changes in the health care system, the desire to enter the international space, higher education institutions of Ukraine must significantly modify the organization and content of education; prepare a fundamentally new generation of personnel whose education will meet the requirements of domestic and foreign markets labor. The latter determines the expediency of the analysis and implementation of advanced foreign experience regarding the professional training of future specialists in physical rehabilitation (physical therapy and occupational therapy.
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