


quantum physics, physical education, methods of teaching physics, educational systems, differentiated learning, modern scientific achievements, scientific and technological progress.


The level of general education training of graduates of modern general secondary education institutions (GSEIs) largely depends on how each student masters the system of physical knowledge, skills and abilities, because physics, revealing the laws of nature, expands human knowledge of nature and is at the same time a major component of modern scientific understanding and scientific and technological progress. The use of its achievements in various fields of human activity and in the knowledge of nature and the world around us is extremely multifaceted. This aspect is especially important for the current stage of improving secondary education, because the school course of physics in the current conditions of its restructuring is studied according to variable programs, and its content and teaching methods provide for familiarization with the basics of physical science in different amounts and with different depths of consideration of the educational material, aiming to satisfy to the greatest extent possible the interests and demands, abilities and capabilities, as well as the wishes and plans for the future of each graduate of a general secondary education institution. As an academic subject, the physics course is one of the leading disciplines among others in addressing the complex challenges of educating, developing, and raising young people. It contributes to the formation of modern, science-based ideas about the world around us and the place of humans in it. The study of quantum physics in general secondary education is of particular importance and significance. This section, reflecting significant modern scientific achievements, requires changes and adjustments in the content of the educational material and in the methodology of its teaching, especially taking into account differentiated learning in schools of different types and profiles. At the same time, a number of issues of the physics course in general, including the section “Quantum Physics”, should be considered on a more advanced theoretical and experimental basis.


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