


satellite monitoring, satellite monitoring technologies, remote sensing of the Earth, geography teacher.


The article analyzes the peculiarities of implementing satellite monitoring technologies in the process of training geography teachers. The author's experience in the development of specialized training courses “Fundamentals of remote sensing of the Earth”, “Practicum on the basics of remote sensing of the Earth”, the use of satellite monitoring technologies during the teaching of the courses “General Earth Science”, “Meteorology and Climatology”, “Hydrology” at the Central Ukrainian State University is disclosed named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko. The main focus is on the most effective repositories of satellite images EO Browser, Google Earth and the online platform for visualization of geographic data Giovanni. The most important educational and scientific tasks in geography, which can be solved with the help of satellite monitoring technologies in higher and secondary schools, have been formed. The main technological toolkit of researched resources for viewing and analyzing satellite images is disclosed. Examples of the use of satellite monitoring technologies during the study of certain geographic disciplines and conducting research are given. It has been proven that, using satellite monitoring technologies, students of higher education learn to find, diagnose, and classify various geographic objects, phenomena, and processes, determine their quantitative parameters, establish patterns of formation and distribution, identify relationships, and predict changes. The involvement of satellite monitoring technologies in the educational process allows you to save time, money, other material means of education, consolidate theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills. Satellite monitoring technologies in the process of training geography teachers ensure the formation of information and digital, environmental competences and competences in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology.


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