cloud technologies, cloud services, interactive exercises, didactic opportunities, geography learning process, etc.Abstract
The article highlights the didactic possibilities of using cloud services to create interactive exercises in the process of teaching geography. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the use of such exercises contributes to the activation of educational and cognitive activities and increasing the interest of students in the subject. The interface, advantages and disadvantages of Kahoot, Seterra Geography Games, LearningApps, Baamboozle, HP5, Blooket, Wordwall, etc. services were analyzed. The possibilities and features of their application in the process of teaching geography are revealed. Special attention is paid to those exercise templates that allow students to organize their work with the map. It was established that cloud services enable the teacher to form not only theoretical knowledge, but also geographical images; visualize geographic information; influence the emotional sphere by means of audio accompaniment; apply interesting interactive exercises and introduce elements of gamification into the educational process. Conclusions and generalizations are made by the authors on the basis of their own development of interactive exercises with the help of constructors built into web resources. It was concluded that the use of cloud services to create interactive exercises allows the teacher to make the learning process dynamic, organize an instant survey of students in an interesting way, improve map knowledge and form spatial representations, consolidate knowledge of geographic terminology, develop logical thinking, attention and memory. Cloud technologies allow teachers to diversify teaching methods by using virtual tours, geographic games, quizzes, tests, etc. In the future, there is a need to study the impact of the use of online interactive exercises on the quality of the educational process and its results.
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