


lighting process, STEM, competencies, project activity, LEDs.


The article explores the growing potential of STEM education in the preparation of a new generation of faculties and the development of the state by increasing interest in STEM innovation, highlighting the scientific, interdisciplinary, culture but-osvitny, svetny-vikhovny and social contributions to the research of STEM-enlightenment. The authors propose projects for educators to promote STEM awareness and look at key skills that can be developed among educators, including communication, creativity, creativity, and critical thinking. One of the best methods of getting started is project activity. The descendants of their predecessors described the essence of the motivation of the initial integrated project through joint activities, where the project activity of schoolchildren combines a variety of complex tasks, the formation of competencies and cross-cutting skills, development of interests, development of new ways of thinking and doing. We have presented an example of an initial project with established STEM technology and the possibility of its implementation in the fields of lighting. One of the simplest projects using energy-saving technologies is the preparation of a daily light source. Looking at the old classic lamps, we come to the conclusion that they contained frying lamps and galvanic batteries. Before their shortcomings, it is important to note, first of all, the great accumulation of electrical energy, the weak luminous power, the practice and inability of life skills. Most of these problems can be caused by the use of current lighting devices – LEDs and lithium-ion batteries. The conducted research indicates that the use of the project method in the creative activity of students emphasizes their acquisition of the necessary knowledge from the fundamental sciences, which in its turn forms the main subdivisions of STEM education, as in its the trait encourages the development of communication skills, creativity, and smart working skills among workers. team, the formation of new and consolidation of existing knowledge, the development of interest and motivation, as well as the development of critical thinking. Prospects for further research lie in the identified core competencies of forming STEM education when introduced into the initial process of project activities of developers.


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