distance learning, professional education, distance learning technologies.Abstract
In the article, the authors' attention is directed to solving the problem of finding ways to update and intensify the education of students in vocational education institutions in the conditions of distance learning. The specifics of conducting classes in special disciplines for future specialists in the food industry are highlighted, taking into account the specifics of the educational system and its practically oriented orientation. The advantages and disadvantages of using innovative distance learning technologies are outlined on the example of conducting laboratory-practical classes in the discipline “Equipment of catering enterprises”. The authors offer ways to solve a number of problems that are characteristic of the educational process of vocational education institutions: insufficient education of teachers and masters of industrial training regarding the possibilities of distance learning technologies, ignorance of the methodology of conducting practical classes in special disciplines remotely, reduced motivation of students to perform practical tasks, etc. The authors present the experience of conducting laboratory-practical classes in the discipline “Equipment of food enterprises”, which is aimed at activating the motivation, independent and educational and cognitive activities of future food technology specialists. Attention is focused on improving the educational process of vocational education institutions through the use of the most effective methods and technologies of distance learning, which are able to solve the outlined difficulties and ensure high motivation of students to acquire professional competences in the conditions of distance learning. The advantages and disadvantages of such innovative technologies of distance learning are characterized: social networks, interdependent contents, social bookmarks, file sharing sites, sites for sharing images, services for creating infographics, sites for creating and sharing presentations.
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