


future professional activity, teacher, foreign language, economic disciplines, emotional intelligence, emotions, foreign language educational discussion.


The article considers the need for the formation of emotional intelligence as one of the leading personal and professional attributes of future teachers of economics in English. An analysis of domestic and foreign research on the phenomenon of emotional intelligence was carried out, on the basis of which the feasibility of using interactive teaching methods, in particular foreign language educational discussions, creating a self-image in the process of involving students in research activities for the formation of emotional intelligence of students majoring in "Professional Education (Economy)" was determined. The use of educational conversation methods and interactive teaching methods, in particular foreign language discussion, made it possible to conduct a study of the causes of positive and negative emotions of students during preparation for foreign language speech and presentations. It was found that negative emotions were caused by the need to repeatedly practice the correct pronunciation of sounds and perform routine work on learning mandatory language clichés, which many students found quite boring and burdensome. However, as the results of the survey show, the gradual satisfaction with one's own achievements contributed to the transformation of negative emotions into positive ones, which can be considered as the significant stage of the formation of emotional intelligence of future teachers of economic disciplines in a foreign language, since routine work is always a component of teaching activities. Further studies have proven that students' knowledge of themselves, the situation around them, their own feelings and emotions and the emotions of communication partners, the manifestation of empathy leads to awareness of the importance of controlling and adjusting emotions to achieve mutual understanding. Therefore, the use of a foreign language educational discussion to debate professional scientific and practical issues, during which a variety of emotions and spontaneous feedback between the interlocutors arises, can be considered an effective method of self-regulation, creating the self-image of a self-confident individual, able to know his emotions and recognize their influence on others and the formation of emotional intelligence of future teachers of economic disciplines in a foreign language.


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