information system, measurement, data acquisition system, DAQ, lithium-ion battery, Arduino Nano, laboratory studies.Abstract
The article presents the development of a simple data acquisition system for collecting data from laboratory experiments designed to study the charge-discharge characteristics of lithium-ion batteries. The main focus of the research is on the use of simple and affordable components. The research analyzed scientific publications on the use of information and communication technologies in educational and research activities, the development of microprocessor systems for scientific research, and datasheets of the used electronic components. The main hardware components of the presented system and the methods of data acquisition and processing are briefly described. The proposed solution is based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller board, supplemented with compatible sensors for measuring voltage, current, and temperature. The data acquisition system can measure voltage within a range of 0 to 5 V, current within a range of –3 to +3 A, and temperature in the range from –55 to +125 °C. The main operating modes are charging and discharging of the Li-ion battery. The mode is selected by a command from the push button module by turning the MOSFET based switch on and off. The microcontroller contains a user-created and preloaded program (firmware) that implements the research program logic, performs data acquisition and primary processing. The collected data is converted into a sequence of formatted text lines and periodically transmitted to the computer via the built-in USB port, where it is received and registered by a computer program. The PLX-DAQ software add-in for the Microsoft Office Excel office program is used as a computer program, which receives data through a virtual COM port and enters it into the cells of the spreadsheet. The proposed system is primarily intended for conducting laboratory studies as part of the educational process and student research projects.
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