technological educational field, professional orientation, multimedia technologies, visualization methodsAbstract
The article is devoted to revealing the didactic possibilities of multimedia technologies in career guidance work with students of grades 10-11 as effective means of their professional self-determination. It was found that the activity of student youth regarding the choice of the future type of labor activity increases significantly in high school age, because the graduates are faced with the choice of the future profession. However, the obvious obsolescence of methodological developments for teachers of various specialties, who must work together to help high school students in professional self-determination, significantly limits their opportunities, especially taking into account such a factor as the intensive development of information communication tools and multimedia technologies. The scientific and pedagogical sources and advanced pedagogical experience analyzed in the article convince us that modern multimedia technologies have become an integral part of the educational process. On the basis of the experimental implementation of multimedia technologies with the purpose of career guidance in the communal institution "Olexandrivsky Lyceum No. 2" of the Oleksandrivsk settlement council of the Kropyvnytskyi district of the Kirovohrad region, the following methods proved to be effective: use of video interviews with specialists; application of online testing; use of visualization of professions; conducting virtual tours in the form of business games; implementation of group projects. At the same time, shortcomings related to the uncertainty of a large part of high school students regarding their future profession were identified. Such a situation dictates the need to intensify career guidance work in educational institutions, because the career guidance opportunities of social media platforms, in particular YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and others, remain unrealized, which can be a promising direction for improving the educational process. At the same time, the results of the study made it possible to determine the main steps of professional orientation of high school students, which were: self-analysis, research of professions, practical research, consultations of other specialists, future career planning. The study emphasizes that professional orientation is a permanent process, so representatives of the younger generation can change their goals and interests after some time. However, careful preparation and understanding of their capabilities will help high school students make informed choices about their future career.
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