


wood processing, technological processes, environmental education, training in wood processing technologies, technological education, wood processing, training of a teacher of labor education


The article deals with modern materials and technologies for finishing wood products, which is an important branch of furniture production, interior design, etc. in the context of the growing interest in sustainable development and environmental aspects of the use of wood is becoming increasingly attractive. The article examines the innovative methods and processes that students learn in the lessons of technological education in the institution of general secondary education and how this information can be provided by the technology teacher in the lesson. In particular, among the latter are computer control, the use of laser technologies, automation and robotization of processes, wood 3D-druk, new materials and progressive processing methods. Also listed are varieties of wood material finishes in particular listed such as: smooth processing (tapestry), milling, plywood processing, pressing, heat treatment, preservation, gluing, weaving, laser processing, current treatment, firing, impregnation, sawing, painting, thermal modification, gas treatment, phenolic modification resin, epoxy resin, ultrasonic treatment, etc. In addition, an important component of the finish are protective and decorative coatings, such as varnishes, paints and other materials, where weather resistance, mechanical damage, wear resistance and resistance to dirt are the main characteristics. The use of modern technologies of painting and toning wood allows you to achieve a multifaceted choice of colors and shades, satisfying the diverse requirements of design and interior. The use of special paints and dyes allows you to give the wood additional protection against ultraviolet radiation, which ensures the preservation of color brightness for a long time. Namely, the choice of material and the correct application of technology play an important role in achieving high operational capability of coatings. A general overview of these technologies helps to understand the prospects for the development of this industry and provides a basis for the further professional activities of students.


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