



differentiation, integration, natural sciences, STEM, project activity, unified scientific picture of the world.


The development of society determines the formation of such a paradigm of education, which involves the transition to fundamentally new systems of education. Modern education is developing in directions that combine diametrically opposed approaches. This is exactly what happens with science education, which is essentially integrative. On the other hand, learning students with a wide range of abilities requires teachers to come up with innovative ideas and take into account the peculiarities of student development. The problem of combining differentiation and integration in natural education is being updated. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the complex implementation of differentiated and integrative approaches in the teaching of natural sciences as the basis of the modern educational environment of a secondary school. The article analyzes the approaches of Ukrainian and foreign researchers who studied the ideas of differentiation and integration and the peculiarities of their implementation in education. We defined the theory of multiple intelligences as a conceptual basis for combining two opposite approaches. According to this theory, individual features of the student’s intellectual development should be taken into account in education. On the other hand, the integration of different modalities and disciplines can accommodate the different ways of knowing and understanding possessed by students with different types of intelligence. The main task of natural sciences is the formation of integral scientific knowledge, ideas about a unified scientific picture of the world. The article shows that science combines differentiation and integration: the unity and integrity of the world, as well as its diversity, the specificity of various forms of matter. Based on the results of the conducted research, we singled out STEM education and project learning technologies as means of implementing differentiated and integrative approaches in the learning of natural sciences. The issue of training teachers capable of implementing these ideas in the conditions of a STEM-oriented educational environment remains problematic.


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