


Maple, maplets, mathematical modeling.


In the context of programming and mathematics, maplets refer to interactive objects or applications that can be used to visualize and interact with mathematical concepts. Typically, maplets are understood as applications created using the Maple computer algebra system. With maplets, you can create interactive diagrams, graphs, animations, and other visual elements that aid in learning mathematics and solving problems. Maplets can also be used in other mathematical software or programming environments to interact with mathematical objects, data, and algorithms. They allow users to experiment, modify parameters, and observe processes in real-time, which enhances understanding of applied mathematical concepts. In mathematical modeling, maplets can be used for interactive exploration and analysis of mathematical models. They provide the ability to visualize mathematical models and their results. This may include graphs, diagrams, animations, or other visual elements that help researchers better understand the behavior and properties of the models. Using maplets, you can dynamically change parameters of mathematical models in real-time and observe the resulting changes. This enables the investigation of the impact of different factors on the model and contributes to a deeper understanding of the interrelationships and properties of the system. Maplets can be used for solving and analyzing mathematical equations, including differential equations, integral equations, and systems of equations. Researchers can use maplets to study various solution methods, analyze system stability, and examine the influence of initial conditions or parameters on the solution. The article discusses the main stages of maplet design, providing a description of each stage. It demonstrates the process of designing a simple maplet for solving quadratic equations.


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Students’ mathematical proficiency in solving calculus problems after Maple implementation / H Hamid, N Angkotasan, A Jalal, D Muhtadi, Sukirwan. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2020. Vol. 1613. URL: 088/1742-6596/1613/1/012025/.

Адаптація системи Maple для вивчення теми екстремуму функції двох змінних в умовах дистанційного навчання / Я. Крупський, О. Тютюнник, І. Клєопа. Modern information technologies and innovation methodologies of education in professional training methodology theory experience problems. 2020. C. 20–28. URL:

Кайдан. Н.В., Кайдан Є.В. Застосування системи Maple при розв’язуванні задач балансового аналізу. Технології електронного навчання. 2022. В. 6. С. 23–30. URL: 022270261.

