distance learning, ICT, Biology lessons, online lesson, informatization, electronic resources.Abstract
The article presents the results of the impact of ICT on the effectiveness of studying Biology in an Institution of General Secondary Education. The expediency of using information technologies in lessons to obtain high results is considered. To understand Biology, it is important to observe living natural objects, study their structure, etc. It is sometimes impossible to do this during a lesson, especially during distance learning, but modern information and communication technologies provide such an opportunity. With the help of computer technologies, it is possible to present video materials with the demonstration of natural objects. In addition, specially developed educational information aids facilitate the process of knowledge formation, its consolidation and checking the level of information assimilation. Studies have shown that the use of ICT increases students' motivation, improves knowledge acquisition, stimulates cognitive activity, develops critical thinking and creative potential. Various ICT methods and tools that can be used to improve the effectiveness of studying Biology are also considered. These include websites, computer programs, simulations, videos, virtual labs, and other interactive resources. The use of these tools allows you to gain deeper practical knowledge, as well as develop independent work skills and communication skills, allow you to receive educational material at any place and time, and contribute to the individualization of education. The need to integrate ICT into the educational process to improve the quality of biological education is emphasized. The use of ICT in Institutions of General Secondary Education can be an effective means of attracting students to the study of Biology, increasing their cognitive activity, expanding access to current information and teaching digital literacy.
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