American variant, the English language, borrowing, etymon, Spanishism, semantic change, chronologyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the chronology of coming and semantic changes of Spanish borrowings of the American variant of the English language. Time limits and extralinguistic factors of their penetration into the American variant of the English language are clarified in the article. Main attention is paid to the semantic changes of Spanish borrowings in the American variant of the English language. Spanish borrowings began to appear in American English since it formation began in the XVII century due to the contacts of representatives of Spanish-speaking and English-speaking communities that took place on the territory of North America. Although the processes of borrowing of Spanish units into the American variant of the English language have been lasted till present days, in the XVIII and XIX centuries they were the most intensive. It was caused by extralinguistic factors, the key of which are the settlement of representatives of Spanish-speaking communities in the US territory, historical, political, economic, sociocultural and other relations of the USA with Spanish-speaking countries. Most of Spanish borrowings underwent significant semantic changes in the American variant of the English language. Such changes were qualitative and quantitative. They were also predetermined by the quantity of etymons of the borrowed units. Spanish borrowings originated from monosemantic lexical units saved their meanings or underwent specialization, specification and generalization. Some units that underwent the abovementioned semantic processes acquired new shades of meanings, different from meanings of their etymons. Stylistic colorings of some borrowed units were changed. Spanish borrowings originated from polysemantic etymons saved some of meanings or one meaning of their etymons. Some borrowings also underwent concretization and generalization of their meanings, a displacement of meaning from the center to the periphery. Some borrowed units acquired new meanings or their shades, changed their stylistic colorings in the American variant of the English language. A lot of Spanish borrowings also became units of its slang.
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