


project technology, Ukrainian literature lesson, literary calendar, NUS


Searching for the reasons and ways of solving the problem of nonreading, which, of course, is the main obstacle on the path of getting literary education, the author of the article emphasizes the importance of technological approach in education and currently focuses on project technology. The project method has an American origin and more than a century-long history, but not in Ukrainian school. Displaced from here in the 1930s, it is slowly returning, and, tellingly, is still among the most promising and innovative technologies. Project-based learning fits perfectly into the conceptual vision of the new Ukrainian school, with its models of an active student, partnership relations between participants of educational process (at the same time, the range of the teacher's roles is significantly expanded compared to the traditional format) and a focus on the connection between theory and practice, that is on the preparing students to perform different tasks in real life. Several ideas for project works (with some explanations or accents) are given for implementation in Ukrainian literature classes: creating a presentation, illustrations for the book, a «mental guide», tests, a comic, a script, a map presenting the writer's life path or the journeys of his characters, audio book, virtual museum, book trailer, trailer or teaser of a film based on a work or biography of the author, simulating a meeting-interview with artists, characters or their prototypes, writing a study, compiling an anthology, keeping a reader's diary, a dictionary of literary terms, a quote book or Internet resource (literary website, podcast, page with literary content in social networks). Special attention is paid to the literary calendar – a meta-project, which may involve other projects, including the ones mentioned above, to celebrate memorable dates. The author considers it promising looking into the effectiveness of the implementation of project technology in working with students of different age groups.


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How to Cite

Hutsuliak, S. (2024). UKRAINIAN LITERATURE AS A PROJECT. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 102–107.