


truncation, spoken language, CLAPI corpora, pragmatic charge, teaching French


The article outlines the problem of truncation in modern linguistic terminology. The main attention is focused on the study of truncations in the French spoken language, the relevance of which is due to the fact that it has not yet been the object of scientific research based on corpus material. The authors focus on the theoretical issues of studying the concept of truncations as a component of the lexical structure of the language. The article contains a discussion of the word-formation features of colloquial units in the French language with an analysis of different types of colloquial lexemes truncated structure and illustrations based on the CLAPI corpus. Spoken language corpus can be an alternative to the use of didactic materials in teaching French. Spoken language corpus include samples of live spoken French, which is significantly different from the literary language. The use of corpus resources as a way of enriching the environment for learning French as a foreign language makes it possible to bring French language learning closer to real spontaneous speech situations. The spoken language as a system of linguistic signs in oral and written communication, in the speech of native speakers has a literary or non-literary color. This confirms the notion that spoken language includes both normative and non-normative spoken elements that interact due to psycholinguistic, social, situational, and thematic factors. Corpus-based tools provide learners with direct access to speech data for the purpose of learning French as a foreign language. It is determined that the main task of the speaker is to achieve the communicative goal, not the form of the utterance itself. A wide range of truncation tools is offered by CLAPI resources, which allows learners to use the techniques of pragmatic loading of communicative means necessary for effective live spoken language.


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How to Cite

Bilas, A., & Oliinyk, Y. (2024). THE LINGUO-PRAGMATIC AND DIDACTIC ASPECTS OF FRENCH COLLOQUIAL TRUNCATIONS (BASED ON THE CLAPI CORPORA). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 50–57.