



translation quality, technical and scientific texts, target text production, equivalence, translation and writing strategies


Technical and scientific texts as a form of written communication of scientific discourse have specific characteristic elements that are the subject of this analysis. Their peculiarity lies in their operation and use. The arsenal of these elements determines the choice of translation methods and techniques when processing and reproducing scientific and technical texts in the language of translation. It directly influences the choice of translation strategy and the drafting of the translation text, taking into account the differences between the two translation languages. The difference between the language of the French source text and the language of the translated text motivates the constant and growing need to promote research in the field of translation of technical and scientific texts into Ukrainian. The translation of technical and scientific texts is a complex creative process that aims to convey technical information from the original source into a language known to the user of the information. Therefore, the formation of skills of preliminary analysis of the source text of scientific discourse and its constituent elements contributes to the creation of adequate specialized texts written in Ukrainian. Based on our previous research on the classification system of basic translation transformations, we established a link between the characteristics of the French terminological system and the choice of Ukrainian translation techniques. Methods for translating technical and scientific texts are linked to the principle of functional equivalence, which in turn affects the quality of creation and editing of the translation text. The main indicator of the quality of scientific and technical translation is the adequacy of the original. An adequate translation is one that objectively, fully and accurately translates the meaning of the original text. The questions of definition and delimitation of the scientific and technical text, preliminary analysis of the source text and the system of its basic elements, as well as the question of analysis of the peculiarities of the use of translation transformations in translation Ukrainian language and general revision methods are the focus of our research. The analysis of these issues and the obtained results will be the subject of our further study and will help in the formation of the professional competence of the future translator for students of the first bachelor level of Ukrainian higher education.


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How to Cite

Іbragimova S. (2024). QUALITY OF TRANSLATION OF FRENCH TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC TEXTS INTO UKRAINIAN. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (210), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-210-3