


accent paradigm, accent type, accent curve, word-changing paradigm, word-forming pair, formative (word-changing) AT, derivational (word-forming) AT, formative-derivative AT.


The article analyzes linguistic concepts of accent types in Ukrainian linguistics from the point of view of synchrony; the main varieties of accent types for synthetic languages with variable (non-fixed) stress are defined, among which it is proposed to distinguish form-forming (word-changing), derivational (word-forming) and formforming- derivational accent types (AT), which are characterized by a number of specific features inherent in each of the varieties. Thus, it has been established that formative ATs are defined only in the system of full-meaning changing words (both derived and non-derivative), while derivational ATs belong only to the changing and unchanging lexical-grammatical classes of words (which are necessarily derived). In this study, it is proven that most often accentual characteristics differ from the point of view of word change and word formation, therefore, the same word can belong to different (in terms of mobility/immobility) accent types. In addition to formative and derivational AT, we also single out formative and derivational AT, which is defined for certain grammatical classes, such as graded forms of adjectives, participles, adverbs. An attempt was made to determine the internal organization (structure) of the AT, as well as to classify formative and derivational accent types into subtypes: it was found that the basis of the formative accent type is the word-changing accent paradigm and they are inherent in all changing parts of speech (invariable words – adverbs, adverbs – do not have formative AT), while the basis of the derivational AT is a word-forming pair and which are characteristic of both changing and unchanging words: the main condition is the derivation of the analyzed lexeme (for non-derivative words, the derivational AT is not determined). In addition to the specified criteria, a number of other features that distinguish one accent type from another have been defined.


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How to Cite

Ponomarenko, S. S. (2024). CLASSIFICATION FEATURES OF ACCENT TYPES (BASED ON THE MATERIAL OF THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 285–290.