ASPP, archaisms, archaic legacy, verbum, pre-oedipal (pre-verbal) period, complicity of things, participation, prological (original) thinkingAbstract
The mechanism of participation (objectification of information through the complicity of things) remains outside the attention of psychologists. This may be due to the fact that in modern psychology academicism prevails in the research of the psyche. In-depth cognition by the method of «Active social-psychological cognition» (ASPP) creates a favorable platform for manifestations of participation, which covers both verbal and non-verbal aspects of the psyche. Participation functions in the format of pre-logical thinking, which is not sensitive to any contradictions of the mental phenomenon. In the format of thinking aspects of the psyche, the functioning of the phenomenon of participation is still not under consideration of modern psychologists. The phenomenon of participation remains for orthodox psychoanalysis. One of the significant reasons for the ignorance of the scientific and psychological community about the phenomenon of participation is explained by the fact that the researches of scientist psychologists are carried out in the format of academic psychology, in which the leading factor in the objectification of content is the word. The «word» was also leading in the Freudian system of cognition of the psyche in its subordination to the «principle of reality». Our research in the format of psychodynamic theory embraces the literal-archaic heritage of humanity, in which awareness was provided through «objectification», in particular through the combining and matching objects. It was through the complicity of things that the primitive people were informed, which is called participation. The presented work convinces the reader of the preservation of opportunities beyond verbal informing people, carried out in the form of the above-mentioned mechanism of participation, which is the leitmotif in writing this article. We tried to present a psychoanalytic view of the understanding and functional load of the participation mechanism, which is actually the language of the archaically given, inherent in the psyche of the heritage of human development.
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