anxiety, parenting style, type of parental attitude, primary school age, family anxietyAbstract
The article presents results of an empirical study of the psychological factors of a child's anxiety manifestation in the family space. The relevance of the study is determined by the considerable influence of the family space on the emotional state and mental development of a child. The family is a key factor in the formation of a sense of security and stability, which is important for preventing and reducing the level of anxiety. Anxiety has been defined as a personality trait characterized by inner restlessness associated with the anticipation of failure, danger, or anticipation of something important in the face of uncertainty. Anxiety affects the emotional, behavioral and cognitive spheres of a person's life, changing his or her productivity. A significant level of anxiety has been diagnosed in the studied children of primary school age. The main characteristics of this level of anxiety include: emotional manifestations such as increased nervousness, often for no apparent reason, fears and phobias, excessive or disproportionate situations, tearfulness and whininess, sensitivity to failure and criticism. It was established that the majority of the parents (mothers) studied have a democratic parenting style characterized by a balance between control and freedom, where parents set clear rules and expectations, but at the same time support open communication, understanding and respect for the child's thoughts and feelings. According to diagnostic data, at a high level, such styles of parental attitude are expressed in parents as: cooperation, symbiosis, authoritarian hypersocialization. At a medium level (with a tendency to high) there is acceptance as a style of parental attitude. At the low level are styles of rejection and a little loser. The general indicator of family anxiety is characterized by a significant level of manifestation, i.e. the studied parents feel a significant level of responsibility for the well-being of the family, often believing that the state of affairs in the family depends on their efforts. According to the results of the correlation analysis, the assumption that the manifestation of the child's anxiety in the family space is caused by a complex of psychological factors (parenting style, type of parental attitude, anxiety in the family) has been confirmed.
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