psychological barrier, communication barrier, pedagogical barrier, tutor, private tutoring, pedagogical communication, studyAbstract
The article defines the relationship and reveals the ontological content of the concepts"psychological barrier", "communicative barrier", "pedagogical barrier". Modern trends in the research of these phenomena in the professional activity of tutors are traced. Since in the psychological and pedagogical literature there are different definitions that relate to the consideration of these concepts, the work analyzes different approaches to their definition and content. The relevance of study of obstacles in the work of a private teacher is emphasized by the prevalence of tutoring in Ukraine in recent years. It is shown that the barriers that arise in private tutoring have their own specificity and it is clarified how they differ from the barriers of the activity of a teacher in an educational institution. With the help of theoretical analysis of scientific research, it was established that "psychological barrier", "communicative barrier" and "pedagogical barrier" in the activities of teachers are separate concepts. Common to such concepts is that their occurrence creates obstacles for the activity of the tutor, making it impossible, making it difficult or reducing its effectiveness. According to its content, the communicative barrier is defined as one of the varieties of the psychological barrier. Psychological barriers can be determined by lack of experience, special education, personal factors of the tutor; physical and mental/psychological features of the student; physical characteristics of the environment in which the educational process takes place. The work also highlights the main functions of the pedagogical barrier as a special type of barrier that is not identical to the psychological or communicative barrier. The pedagogical barrier acts as a pedagogical tool for the development of all spheres of personality by overcoming it.
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