occupational health, uncertainty, personal ambivalence, destabilization in professional activityAbstract
This article analyzes the features of individual occupational health in the context of uncertainty and social challenges. It focuses on the psychological mechanisms involved in creating a healthy professional environment, which fosters a reflexive attitude of the pedagogue toward their own health. Occupational health in situations of uncertainty is defined as an individual’s ability to maintain and develop within the objective realities of their professional life. The article explores the phenomena of uncertainty and personal ambivalence, which are consistently present in an individual's mental state. Accordingly, the author conceptualizes occupational health as a dynamic system of semantic structures and processes that activate internal mechanisms for self-preservation in the workplace. Additionally, it is noted that "uncertainty" as a transitional state complicates the fulfillment of many essential professional needs, significantly impacting both well-being and professional satisfaction. The study identifies destabilizing factors in the organization of professional activity and their effects on individual occupational health. It was found that in war conditions, respondents faced various manifestations of destabilization in the organization of professional activities. These included a high level of chronic fatigue, further exacerbated by significant physical exhaustion resulting from prolonged stress and excessive workloads throughout the workweek. It emphasizes that resilience in coping with everyday professional stress is a crucial component of occupational health, especially under wartime conditions. In conclusion, it is emphasized that applying a resource-based approach in the organization of professional environments can serve as an effective tool for organizational psychologists. This approach will facilitate the development of managers' ability to allocate employee resources effectively and support optimal adaptation to the challenges of uncertain professional circumstances.
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