


reflection, reflexivity, functions of reflection, elements of the reflection concept, approaches to the reflection concept definition


The article presents the results of a scientific analysis of the problem of reflection phenomenon concept defining based on the use of a theoretical research methods set: analysis of scientific sources, systematization and generalization. The author distinguishes and correlates the concepts of “reflection” and “reflexivity” to improve the efficiency of further analysis. The generalized definitions of reflection by different scholars are identified and characterized, and the positions of different approaches to formulating the content of the phenomenon of reflection are presented. The considered approaches are categorized into psychological, philosophical and pedagogical. The main elements of the concept of “reflection” are highlighted: self-knowledge and self-understanding, analysis of the past and its impact on the future, design process, epistemological aspect, social context. The optimal interpretation of the reflection process in accordance with these elements is proposed. The maladaptive aspects of the rumination process, which are the result of the disordered functioning of the ordered reflection process, are investigated. In order to clarify the content of the reflection process, the main functions of reflection and the areas of application of reflective practices that detail the idea of the phenomenon under study are investigated. It is determined that reflection is a complex process, the functionality of which covers various aspects of self-knowledge, critical reflection on one's own experience and design of future actions. It is noted that reflection plays a central role in the professional development and formation of the individual, especially in pedagogical and psychological practice, which is confirmed by modern scientific developments. The expediency of further work in finding an optimal integrative definition of the concept of reflection within the main disciplines that study this phenomenon (philosophy, pedagogy, psychology) and in the interdisciplinary space to ensure a unified approach to interpretation is substantiated.


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How to Cite

Guba, N. (2024). REFLECTION: PROBLEMS OF CONCEPT DEFINING. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (3), 13–19.