


gender, gender stereotypes, success, progress, career success, career orientations


In psychology, the concept of success is often associated with the idea of achievement motivation, which refers to a person's desire to achieve the desired goal or result. Research in this area has shown that there are gender differences, in particular, in the motivation to achieve professional success. The article is devoted to the theoretical and empirical analysis of a person's ideas about career success, highlighting their gender components. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ideas of students of higher education institutions about career success, highlight gender components and characteristics of career orientations. Based on the theoretical analysis, An Empirical Study of career orientations of students was developed and conducted, which showed the presence of differences in the perception of careers by male and female respondents with different gender identities. The sample population of the study was 174 people (90 women and 84 men). To diagnose gender concepts and career orientations in students, the BSRI gender-role questionnaire (Bem Sex-Role Inventory) by S Boehm and the "career anchors" method by E. Shane were used. It was found that women with a masculine orientation are more focused on professional self-realization and more eager to realize their ambitions, compared to women of the feminine type. Men of the masculine type are more open to «new things», focused on finding opportunities for their own enterprise. Thus, the data obtained can be interpreted as evidence of differences in the perception of career by respondents of feminine and masculine orientation. Based on the results of an empirical study, it can be argued that the acquisition of a clearly defined masculine gender identity is a significant factor in achieving career success. A clear definition of the prevailing gender pattern of behavior gives the individual the opportunity to successfully realize himself in life.


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How to Cite

Priadko, B. (2024). GENDER FEATURES OF STUDENTS ’ PERCEPTIONS ABOUT CAREER SUCCESS. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 122–127.