


aggression, AFU personnel, National Guard personnel, gender, police officers, security and defense sector, stressful conditions


The theoretical analysis in the article is based on modern approaches to studying aggression. The results of the theoretical analysis confirm the importance of studying aggressive behavior in security and defense sector employees, particularly police officers and military personnel, as they work in high-risk and stressful conditions where displaying aggression can have serious consequences for both themselves and others. Understanding the causes and mechanisms of aggressive behavior in these professional groups is crucial for developing effective strategies for psychological support, conflict prevention, and ensuring safety in both the workplace and broader social context. The study aims to survey and compare the characteristics of aggressive behavior among representatives of the security and defense sector in the context of gender differences. Using the Aggression Questionnaire by A. Buss and A. Durkee, a study was conducted on a sample that included police officers, National Guard, and Armed Forces of Ukraine personnel. The research sample consisted of 257 individuals. Mathematical and statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Student's t-test for independent samples. The article provides a comparative analysis of aggressive behavior among representatives of the security and defense sector, including police officers, Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) personnel, and National Guard personnel. Five components of aggression were examined: physical aggression, verbal aggression, irritability, hostility, and guilt feelings. It was found that among AFU male personnel, there is a more pronounced physical and verbal aggression compared to other groups, while among female National Guard personnel, more pronounced physical aggression is observed. The study allows for a better understanding of the characteristics of aggressive behavior in security and defense sector employees, which may contribute to the development of effective psychological interventions to reduce aggression and ensure internal control in these professional groups.


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How to Cite

Ponomarenko, Y., & Shylina, A. (2024). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF AGGRESSION AMONG REPRESENTATIVES OF THE SECURITY AND DEFENSE SECTOR. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 115–121.