



medical and psychological rehabilitation, integration, programs, treatment, practices, injuries


This article examines the importance of using scientifically based practices in the medical and psychological rehabilitation of military personnel. She emphasizes the importance of psychological counseling for the successful reintegration and recovery of soldiers after military service and emphasizes the critical role of evidence-based interventions in this process. The distinctive features of this rehabilitation model are that it is an approach to treatment based on a special methodology that takes into account the relationship between psychological trauma and symptoms and individual dysfunction, and that the treatment process is organized by medical personnel working with a team of psychologists, who have received appropriate training for working with psychological trauma. Inpatient rehabilitation programs are multifaceted and use different types of interventions. This can be described as "meta-therapy" that goes beyond the trauma and focuses on the person as a whole. Analysis of the situation shows that many people are in a serious psychological crisis. The situation of military personnel is particularly serious and difficult. Military personnel who serve or have served in the east of Ukraine are in a state of internal stress with potentially dangerous consequences. Against the background of which сomplex changes in the emotional sphere, health, activities and relationships may occur, various posttraumatic stress reactions and disorders may occur. Military personnel try to find a way out, but the disorder of emotions and thinking makes it difficult to plan actions to overcome a negative situation. The high degree of psychological traumatization of conscripts and demobilized servicemen actualizes the problem of providing them with psychological support and psychological assistance. The creation of a national system of medical and psychological support and rehabilitation has only just begun. Psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors are trying to understand their experience.


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How to Cite

Lavrenyuk, Y., & Kuleshova, O. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO THE MEDICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION OF MILITARY PERSONNEL: A REVIEW OF EVIDENCE-BASE D PRACTICES AND INTERVENTIONS. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 77–81. https://doi.org/10.32782/cusu-psy-2024-2-11