


subjectivity, subject, civilians, war, factors of subjectivity development, life goals


The purpose of the article is to analyze the factors of development of civilian subjectivity during the war. In the article, the theoretical and practical relevance of the chosen topic has been determined. In the course of the research, the following theoretical methods are used: analysis, generalization, and modeling. The scientific sources that highlight the problem of subjectivity in psychological science are analyzed. Subjectivity is defined as a characteristic of active influence on external and internal reality, which involves the transformation of mental models. The main properties of this psychological phenomenon are established: independence, uniqueness, selfsufficiency, readiness to take responsibility and act in crisis situations. It has been established that the development of the subjectivity of the civilian population in wartime is generally determined by the individual architecture of the psyche and social factors. The impact of the development of intelligence and creativity on the subjective activity of civilians in wartime has been analyzed. The role of critical thinking in the studied processes is emphasized. The importance of stress resistance and self-awareness is characterized. It has been described the biological factors as the basis for maintaining mental health, in particular, the type of nervous system and physiological indicators of nervous processes. General recommendations for optimizing the impact of these factors have been provided. The situations of constant threat and uncertainty are identified as the leading social factors in the development of civilian subjectivity during the war. The manifestations of the information field during the war that affect the indicators of personality subjectivity have been analyzed. Attention is focused on the following blocks of destructive information: coverage of events at the front, domestic and foreign policy processes. The described information trends affect the development of subjectivity of civilians. The significance of the immediate social environment of the individual for the manifestation of subjective activity in a wartime situation has been determined. Conclusions are drawn according to the results of the study. Further prospects for studying the issue, which consist in the preparation of empirical studies of changes in the subjectivity of civilians during the war have been indicated.


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How to Cite

Zinchenko, O., & Babatina, S. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF CIVILIAN SUBJECTIVITY DURING THE WAR. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 57–62.