escape into illness, internal contradictions, psychological defense mechanisms, forced repetition, motivational and deep cognitionAbstract
The article provides a theoretical and methodological analysis of the categories “escape” and “escape into illness”. The task of the system of psychological defenses, which creates a deviation from reality and distortion of socio-perceptual information, is specified. It is emphasized that the mechanism of “forced repetition”, which is connected with fixation on the dramatic situation of the subject's past life experience, is combined with integration-disintegration processes. Emphasis is placed on the formation of the mechanism of forced repetition of the Oedipal situation caused by the subject's experience. It was highlighted that the residual effects of traumatic childhood events determine the emergence of fixations on dramatic experiences. The subject is not aware of the origins of the disharmony of relations with the environment and the fact that the experiences of childhood, which were accompanied by a feeling of resentment, hatred, the fate of life (weakness), are transferred into reality by the attitude towards oneself and the surrounding world. It is emphasized that the human psyche seeks realization in substitutions of libidinous objects through simulation of the emotional climate in real life. It is highlighted that the energy fixed under the influence of oedipal conflicts is characteristic of the dynamics, which is consistent with the need for social adaptation of the subject. It is outlined that there is a latent connection between mental and somatic. The form of psychogenic reaction is outlined, which manifests itself as mental, somatovegetative and other disorders that arise and persist in connection with an unfavorable situation for the individual, which provides the possibility of a kind of evasion from it. Diagnostic-corrective work involves the contextuality and indirectness of conducting the process, logical sequence in the use of methods of active social-psychological cognition. Such a special function in the psychocorrective process is assigned to the dialogic interaction of the psychologist with the respondent and is built on the basis of interpretive psychoanalysis of the behavioral material of the protagonist.
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