


mental health, pedagogical interaction, hardiness, school anxiety, social anxiety, academic performance, social support


One of the important factors of academic success is the state of students’ mental health and hardiness. The results of the empirical study (n=77) showed that the majority of the studied high school students have the average with a tendency to a high level of mental health stability and hardiness and have no manifestations of social anxiety and school anxiety. There is a strong connection between the students’ mental health stability and the level of their academic performance (r=0,25; р≤0,05) and the inverse relationship between the level of academic performance and frustration of the need to succeed (r=-0,35; р≤0,01), problems and fears in relations with teachers (r=-0,32; р≤0,01)). The more the students experience the inability to satisfy their need to achieve educational goals and have problems in relations with teachers the lower their level of academic performance. According to our study the statistically significant relationship between academic performance, hardiness and social anxiety wasn’t found. That is, the level of academic success depends to a greater extent on social acceptance. Thus, the state of mental health of the students and the opportunity to be in a supportive, tolerant, friendly social environment while studying is important for increasing the level of academic success. The amount and quality of emotional caresses received by students, availability of emotional support, (especially in stressful situations), appreciation beyond educational achievements, a variety of social situations of interaction, tasks that allow to concentrate on the process, etc. can play a positive role in the interaction with teachers. It is important to build a barrier-free, student-friendly school environment in which you can count on acceptance and social support.


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How to Cite

Havrylovska, K., & Kravchynska, L. (2024). MENTAL HEALTH OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC SUCCESS. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 30–35.