


leadership style, professional well-being, determinants of professional well-being, organizational environment


The occupational well-being of employees is an important topic of numerous studies, what is related to the demands of managerial practice, as well as the need to fully understand what exactly contributes to the occupational well-being of an individual. Among the many intervening organizational factors, the most important variable in an organization is leadership style. Current research proves that leadership style can influence many conditions of work in an organization, but the study of how leaders can contribute to the professional well-being of employees remains a relatively new area of scientific research. The purpose of this study is to determine the nature of the relationship between different managerial leadership styles and the professional well-being of employees. To realize the purpose of the study, a cross-sectional method was applied using the Perceived Leadership Scale of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ, Form 5X-Short) by Bass and Avolio and the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) by Spector. The participants of the study were 85 academic staff of higher education institutions of Ukraine, selected by the method of random selection. It has been established that the positive characteristics of leadership, which focus on the primary importance of a person and his needs, the stimulation of whose satisfaction is the basis of the professional well-being of employees, have noticeable positive correlations with professional well-being. On the contrary, the characteristics of leadership, which by virtue of their specificity prevent the satisfaction of actualized needs of employees, do not correlate, or have negative correlations with their professional well-being. Leadership style is related to employee well-being, although this relationship appears to be mediated by other factors in the work environment, particularly the satisfaction of employee needs. The conclusion needs empirical confirmation of the mediating role of needs in the relationship between leadership style and professional wellbeing, which is the perspective of our further r esearch.


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