


psychological resilience, stress, adaptation strategies, mental stability, mental health, stress coping strategies


The article discusses the issue of psychological resilience of students during times of war and their ability to overcome stress. Given that students face various difficulties during war, such as evacuation, loss of loved ones, violence, and other negative events, the article's authors justify the relevance of studying psychological resilience in this category of society. The article analyzes different approaches to defining the concepts of "resilience" and "resilience." It examines methods of diagnosis and empirical research on the level of psychological resilience among students during the war. Currently, this terminology is widely used in psychology, medicine, social work, and other social sciences, where the impact of adverse (extreme, threatening, stressful) conditions on individuals and their ability to function normally (healthily) is studied. The distinction between the concepts of resilience and resiliency lies in the fact that resilience is a process, whereas resiliency is a trait (or ability) of personality. Accordingly, we will further consider the definitions of resilience and resiliency provided in various sources. Resilience, defined as the ability to function normally under stress and recover after trauma, has been the subject of active research in global psychology since the 1970s. This concept not only involves overcoming difficulties but also achieving positive outcomes in the future. The paper also identifies the main factors influencing students' formation and development of resilience. Methodologically, the article is based on theoretical analysis and empirical research methods such as observation and testing. The work aims to establish a connection between students' resilience level and their ability to cope effectively with stressful situations that arise during war. The authors of the a rticle see in the study of students' resilience during the war the possibility of developing programs and strategies for psychological support for this vulnerable population category.


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How to Cite

Burovytska, A. (2024). PECULIARITIES OF STUDENT RESILIENCE DURING STUDYING IN T IMES OF WAR. Наукові записки. Серія: Психологія, (2), 17–23.