active socio-psychological cognition (ASPC), in-depth cognition, “Super-Id”, participation mechanism, pralogical thinkingAbstract
We have been addressing the issue of pralogical thinking for the last five years. This approach was motivated by the subject’s visualization of their own psyche as a prerequisite for participation in psychocorrective work aimed at in-depth cognition of the psyche. The main method is “Active Social-Psychological Cognition” (ASPC). The study of pralogical thinking is possible only under the conditions of the psyche visualization. The long-term practice of ASPC groups proves that the integrity of the cognition of the psyche (“conscious / unconscious”) is impossible without its visualization. It is explained by the “Super-Id” substructure of the psyche that we have discovered, which is expressed in the objectification of the psyche. The content of the article proves the essential importance of the thematic visualization by the respondent of his own psyche in the ASPC process, as well as its analysis under the conditions of dialogue interaction in the “Psychologist ↔ Respondent” system. It is important that the psychologist leads the dialogue based on the thematic visualization of the psyche to identify the respondent’s personal problems and outline methods to solve them. The latter is for large extent is stipulated by the development of pralogical thinking, which is actualized under the conditions of the psyche objectification followed by its analytical and dialogue analysis, based on the participation mechanism. The content of the article is focused on the educational contribution to the professional training of practical psychologists due to their participation in ASPC groups.
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